Full‐time, 9-month tenure system Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor at Michigan State University
The Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (AFRE) and the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN) at Michigan State University invite applications for a full‐time, 9-month tenure system Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor with a 50% research, 30% teaching (two courses per academic year), 15% outreach, and 5% service assignment. The start date for this position is anticipated to be 8/16/2025. The successful candidate is expected to gain international recognition through peer-reviewed scholarly publications, pursue external funding to support their research, teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and advise graduate students.
This position is part of the 1855 Professorships program, which is an Office of the Provost initiative to enhance the academic experience and student success by elevating the academic quality and reputation at MSU. Faculty hired through this thematic hiring initiative will be scholars whose teaching, research, creative activities, outreach, engagement, or leadership addresses systemic barriers or inequities and part of the second cohort of 1855 Professors at MSU.
Applications are encouraged from scholars who conduct interdisciplinary research on the intersections of domestic/global food security, diet-related health disparities, and public policy. This includes community-based participatory research to develop and evaluate interventions that address societal issues in these areas. Topics would include the study of the availability (e.g., food production), access (e.g., neighborhood food environments), utilization (e.g., consumer choices and dietary quality/adequacy), stability and sustainability (e.g., the long-term viability and policy environment surrounding food systems) of nutritious foods, as well as research on the relationships to disparate health outcomes.
In addition to the above, successful candidates are expected to:
- Develop and teach innovative courses that integrate topics such as food security, public health nutrition, and diet-related health equity and associated salient topics in health economics, human nutrition and health, and related policy issues. The faculty member will also mentor students on these topics. In both cases, the goal is to assist with fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment that encompasses a holistic understanding of food and health from seed to table and beyond.
- Collaborate with community and governmental (state and federal) organizations to evaluate programs that address food insecurity and diet-related health inequities. Provide expert guidance to policymakers and advocate for evidence-based solutions to reduce diet-related health disparities.
- The professorship is inherently interdisciplinary and cross-departmental, involving collaboration between the AFRE and FSHN departments. Further, the faculty member is expected to engage with other relevant MSU departments. For example: those found in the Colleges of Social Science, Nursing, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Human or Osteopathic Medicine (e.g. build on existing partnerships at the MSU Flint Campus and the Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health) as appropriate.
- Publish in high-quality journals.
- Secure competitive grants.
- Participate as a collaborative colleague with responsibilities in the functioning of the AFRE and FSHN governance and inclusive culture.
- Provide leadership and service at departmental, college and university levels as warranted as well as in professional associations.
Here is a link to the posting (https://careers.msu.edu/en-us/job/521091/1855-professortenure-system).